What are you grateful for..
In this past year, as I have been more and more aware of my thoughts, I realized that being truly grateful goes beyond mere appreciation of the positive circumstances and good things happening to us. It goes beyond the intellectual understanding of our blessings.
True gratitude is accompanied by an emotional connection, its a heartfelt appreciation that evokes positive emotions like joy, contentment, warmth!
Being truly grateful means not taking things for granted and understanding that what we have is a gift, a privilege.
Though I am always grateful for my health, family, kid, friends, my art......during this Thanksgiving season, I usually make an effort to be more aware of the gifts we take for granted! Like clean drinking water, electricity, good roads, car, libraries, gadgets and all those little comforts of our lives.
Sharing some of my gratitude prompts for those blessings that most of us have gotten so used to that we forget to acknowledge them!
Express gratitude for your senses—sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. How do these senses enhance your daily experiences?
2. What specific aspects of your home are you grateful for?
3. Express gratitude for the comfort and functionality of the clothing you wear. What specifically about it is comfortable for you?
4. Spend a moment to reflect on how the basic technology like electricity, phone, internet enhance your daily life.
5. Express gratitude for a skill that comes so easily to you that you do not even acknowledge it as a skill/talent.
6.Name 5 people who have inspired you in the past few years and you are grateful for. It could be people you know personally, people on social media, motivational speakers, someone in your community. How have they made a difference in your life?
Cultivating a sense of gratitude can help increase resilience, improve relationships and a more positive outlook in life. It is a simple yet powerful tool!